Ramadan blessing, Pope Francis and the de-secularization of thought

An indigenous natural perspective on fasting and dua (blessing): In the name of the one who created and designed all that we know in this majestic world: Ramadan is for the spiritual calibration of actionable positive reality in a large swath of humanity—the worlds Muslims. It is time for Islam to voice by a billion… Continue reading Ramadan blessing, Pope Francis and the de-secularization of thought

Simple and bountiful agroecology…

Old school agroecology nurturing a balanced presence for centuries is a beautiful thing in 2015. Many of the Carpathian mountain cultures have been a resounding success socially and ecologically. The tomorrow we seek is one that balances the old, the new, and the rediscovered with appropriate design and technology. It is one of balance and… Continue reading Simple and bountiful agroecology…